Saturday, October 29, 2011

Amazing Sand Art

Dragon Sand Art - The dragon has often been found in mythology and folklore of cultures throughout the world. Their fearsome power combined with the elegance of the uncontested (and of course the large size), making them a subject of imagination. Sculptor wanted to take advantage of human respect and admiration of this mythical beast by creating a very complex picture on the side of the dunes and picture straight out of the earth.

Giant Sand Art - The children try to make impress their friends with their toy castle creations, and adults are also not much different. With enough people working on this project, sand sculptors can create a masterpiece that takes half the sand on the beach. This giant creations are made to make every pedestrian impressed, because not every day you can see something made of sand.

 Skeleton Sand Art - The beach is the place to play around with the waves and a place to relax during the holidays, this increases the effect of different beach menyeramkannya with the addition of skeleton sculptures that touched with an artistic touch. People who like combing the beach with a metal detector, usually looking for lost treasure, so this becomes an interesting thing to imagine a dinosaur skeleton, and pirate treasure buried the remains of spoils.

Scientists Sand Art - Scientists are also happy to bask in the sun coast. No exception Scientist "Great" is made of sand. Ranging from Michelangelo Until Darwin, scientists and research subjects is one of the most popular in the made from sand sculpture competitions. Although the statues of long dead scientists are not as popular with the statue of a dragon, they have value to their fans.

Ordinary Sand Art - Who is saying things that ordinary is boring? everyday activities like lazing in bed or on the couch much more appealing when they are engraved on a beautiful beach. Comic scenes such as visits to the dentist is painful, or careless construction worker, can make the most common things become more entertaining.

Faces Sand Art - Human form may be the most common subject for all kinds of art, and as well as in carving sculptures out of sand. Observing a large carved faces is a wonderful thing, especially with a touch of detail that is carved into the carving of this statue menjadikkan something extraordinary. Details such as wrinkles on the face adds to the beauty of the sand sculpture.

Fictional Sand Art - Fictional characters who usually appear in the film are also usually often enliven a sand art competition, including a character in the Disney animated film and the character in the movie old school like ulliver's Travels and Star Wars.Orang people also would have loved to see their favorite characters in the film formed of sand on their holiday to come

Wild Sand Art - Sand sculptor happy to let their imaginations run wild when they are on the beach, and they are usually very random subjects. Imagination about the castle or the beautiful scenery of the dream is a common thing, as a portrait artist like Michael Jackson. You can see a large mural Gollum "Lord of the Rings", and the monk who looked very stunted.

Ocean Sand Art - It seems reasonable to view the sea became a very popular subject in every coastal scenery, and life gradually also frequently depicted by artists of this sand with astonishing detail. Coral reefs come flock flocked to live in the sand and also not miss the mythical creatures such as the Mermaid.

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